Talk With Laurie
Speaker  |  Author  |  Coach

Be an Exceptional Leader

Gain the confidence, clarity, and skills you need to grow and advance as a leader when you partner with a trusted guide.

Talk With Laurie
Speaker  |  Author  |  Coach

Be an Exceptional Leader

Gain the confidence, clarity, and skills you need to grow and advance as a leader when you partner with a trusted guide.

Talk With Laurie

Gain More Confidence

Have More Clarity

Lead and Live Intentionally

Leadership is Exhilarating
and Exhausting

  • Work is neverending
  • The stakes are high
  • Decision fatigue can be paralyzing
  • Your own wellbeing usually comes second

Get the professional support you need to perform at your best without sacrificing your personal wellbeing.

Be an exceptional leader at work and in life.
You can be both.


A keynote speaker at international events and private retreats, Laurie delivers practical, actionable, and engaging messages.

Digital Courses

Packed with wisdom and action steps, Laurie’s courses are available as stand-alone content or as a complement to her in-person speaking engagements.


Exclusive one-on-one coaching with Laurie to address your unique challenges, goals, and leadership aspirations. Space is extremely limited.

Talk With Laurie

A Leader of Leaders.

With decades of executive leadership experience, Laurie Baedke knows how demanding it is to lead an organization. She blends empathy with practical tools that help leaders and organizations thrive at work and life – because you deserve both.

Laurie is a sought after expert, keynote speaker, and facilitator at private client events. Popular topics include: 

  • Leadership performance
  • Mentorship, sponsorship, & coaching
  • Resilience and well-being

Chart the course to exceptional leadership with the support of a trusted guide. Gain greater confidence and more clarity so you can lead and live intentionally.

Work With Laurie
A seasoned thought leader sought out by the best

What You Can Expect

Step One

Schedule a discovery call

Schedule a discovery call with Laurie to start planning a collaboration.

Step Two

Work With Laurie

Secure your spot on Laurie’s speaking calendar, request coaching, or sign up for the course that best fits your needs.

Step Three

Become the Leader You Aspire to Be

Experience growth in your leadership journey and enjoy the positive impact on you and the people, organizations, and community you serve.

Talk With Laurie


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