The Rule of Five, Part II

Yesterday, I talked a little bit about the company we keep and how the FIVE people closest to us can influence us – for good or bad.


Let’s go beyond the concept of just FIVE people. I’d like to introduce the “Sixth Man.” And the sixth man doesn’t have to a “man” or person at all. It really is the sixth sphere of influence – not necessarily a team player, but that element in your life that also plays a substantial role, and is responsible for who you are personally and professionally.


I equate this “sixth man | influencer” concept to the “12th Man.” I know, I know … I’m throwing a lot of numbers at you. But you’ve probably heard of the “12th Man”? If not, Texas A&M’s storied football program symbolically adds one “man” to the regular lineup of 11 players on the team. That “man” is really a collective group of fans who impact the game in a way that rivals the 11 athletes on the field. To sum it up, the crowd is such a factor in the game – their high profile, presence, booming noise – that they’re almost another player on the field.


That’s a whole lot of power.


Here’s another example – and it’s not a person or group of people at all. Several months ago, I had the privilege of meeting the great pediatric neurosurgeon Ben Carson. Not only has he achieved the highest civilian award – the Presidential Medal of Freedom – for his leading-edge scientific and medical contributions, but he is a study in outstanding character and perseverance.


Carson grew up dirt poor in Detroit. Though his mother was illiterate, she was exposed to the power of reading while housekeeping for wealthy, white families. She noted these successful families all had shelves full of books. Though she didn’t read herself, she realized she could give her children a great gift – she encouraged them to read. This observation, and subsequent action instilled in each of them a drive and equipping to achieve  extraordinary success in their lives.


In the aforementioned case, the act of “reading” is the “Sixth Man | Influence” – it’s that force-to-be-reckoned-with that drives you to grow, in leadership and other spheres of your life. What you fill your white space with; your spare time, attention, and energy is significantly impactful on who you are, and what you have the capacity to become.


So, much like the “Rule of Five”, be cognizant of the company that you keep, and the impact of your environment on your character, your conduct, and your contributions.


Who or what is your “Sixth Man” – that element that inspires you and pushes you to be a better leader and person?